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Chinese Vocabularies: Phrase/Idiom

wú lǜ wú sī
wú yōu wú lǜ from care; carefree; trouble-free; lighthearted; free-minded; airy; blithe; happy-go-lucky 2.with a free heart; with happy and carefree minds; without sorrow and anxiety
wú jìn wú qióng
See "endless."
wú jīng dā cǎi
See "listlessness."
wú jīng dǎ cǎi
1.lackadaisical; listless; low-spirited; dispirited; dejected; languid be in low spirits; to be out of sorts; to be in the blues; to be in the doldrums
wú zhē dà huì
Buddhism held to do the main content of the law, every five years.
wú shāng dà tǐ
No injuries.
wú yǔ bǐ lún
See "unparalleled."
wú zhì zhuī dì
wú yuǎn fú jiè
No matter how far, no less than.
wú wéi zì huà
That does nothing.Language "Lao Tzu": "I am selfless and self-government."
mó jiān jiē gǔ
Shoulder to shoulder and hub to hub
mén xīn zì wèn examine one's conscience; to look at home; to consult one's conscience
mò rán zhì zhī
1. to remain indifferent towards sth.; to give the cold shoulder; to look on without concern; to pay slight attention; to show (or express) no concern for
mò bù guān xīn
1.indifferent; unconcerned; apathetic; casual; nonchalant pay no attention at all
wú qíng wú xù
No thought, boring boring.
wú qíng wú cǎi
wú qíng shǎo miàn
Not talkative.
wú qiān wú guà
That without any drag.
wú jìng ér lái
See "no shin to."