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English Vocabularies: Basic1000

from a higher to a lower position; toward or into a lower position.
from a past time.
to make a picture of with a pen, pencil, or other writing tool.
to move by pulling or dragging.
a series of pictures or visions that a sleeping person experiences.
a strong hope or goal.
to cause to move by force; push.
to operate (a car, truck, or other vehicle).
a forceful push.
a small amount of liquid, usually with a round shape.
a very small amount of anything.
a substance used to cure or heal; medicine.
to give a drug to.
throughout the entire time of.
at some time in the course of.
every one of two or more.
every one of a group considered as individuals.
in the first part of something; near the beginning of something.
the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun.
from, of, or in the east.
to put into the mouth, chew, and swallow.
to destroy through wearing away.
to use up.
not hard or difficult.
without trouble or worry.
not harsh or strict.
the careful use of money, resources, and means of production.
having to do with the money system.
a line where two surfaces meet.
the border or outside line.
lead; advantage.
the act or work of learning or training.
the knowledge a person gets through learning.
something produced by a cause.
ability to bring about a result.
the state of being in force.
the word for the number 8.
being eight in number.
one or the other of two things or people.
each of two things or people.
the process of choosing a person for office by voting.